• lt
  • Robertas Grabys

    Senior Associate, Attorney-at-Law


    • Master’s Degree in Law, Vilnius University


    Prior to joining Adon Legal, Robertas Grabys worked at COBALT and PwC Legal, and for the last few years at Ellex Valiūnas & Partners, where he specialized in money laundering and terrorist financing prevention, as well as in international sanctions regulation. He also has experience working for fintech start-up MoQ.

    • Law firm Ellex Valiūnas & Partners
      • Lawyer (2021-2023)
      • Consultant (secondee) on international sanctions regulation, a Lithuania-based bank (2022)
    • Law firm Norkus & Partners COBALT
      • Associate (2017-2018, 2020 – 2021)
      • Legal Assistant (2015-2017)
    • Law firm PricewaterhouseCoopers Legal Bukauskas & Partners
      • Associate (2019-2020)
      • MoQ (Mobilieji mokėjimai UAB)
      • Lawyer/Data Protection Officer (2018-2019)
      • Junior Associate/Data Protection Officer (2018)

    Comments in media

    • Changes to money laundering prevention regulation in the European Commission’s plans / Delfi /available at: https://www.delfi.lt/verslas/nuomones/robertas-grabys-europos-komisijos-planuose-pinigu-plovimo-prevencijos-reguliavimo-pokyciai-84364805
    • Lithuania: Is the EU’s New Crowdfunding Regulation an Opportunity for Lithuania? / CEE Legal Matters / available at: https://ceelegalmatters.com/lithuania/15861-lithuania-is-the-eu-s-new-crowdfunding-regulation-an-opportunity-for-lithuania

    Experience in regulatory matters

    • Advised one of the largest consumer credit companies in Lithuania on consumer credit regulatory issues.
    • Advised virtual currency exchanges on internal control procedures.
    • Advised electronic money institutions on obtaining electronic money institution licenses.
    • Advised a “buy now pay later” financial institution in the electronic money institution licensing process.

    Experience in money laundering and terrorism financing prevention matters

    • Advised various financial institutions (payment and electronic money institutions, credit institutions) on anti-money laundering issues, drafting and evaluating internal policies and procedures.
    • Advised financial institutions on the development of procedures related to the supervision of intermediaries.
    • Advised financial institutions on company risk assessment and the development of individual risk assessment models.
    • Contributed to the legal due diligence of entities subject to AML/CFT requirements.
    • Advised e-money institutions on AML/CFT issues in the licensing process.
    • Advised virtual currency operators on the development of internal procedures related to the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing.

    Experience in implementing international sanctions requirements

    • Advised a Lithuania-based bank, on investigations of suspicious payments.
    • Advised financial and credit institutions on the development of procedures to detect and prevent evasion of international sanctions requirements.
    • Assisted in the preparation of international sanctions risk assessments for financial institutions.
    • Advised industrial, logistics and wholesale companies on international sanctions compliance issues.
    • Drafted procedures for the implementation of international sanctions requirements for a wide range of companies.
    • Participated in legal due diligence checks on compliance with international sanctions.